So, let me run through our Thanksgiving weekend and some of the interesting things since.
Wed PM: Seth arrives, preparing the feast begins. Now when I say it begins that means Seth and Matt sit down and create cooking tables, time lines, and spreadsheets. Please see picture for visual example of genetic neurosis. Of course, I can't mock too excessively. I got pretty excited when I was brining a laundry basket upstairs and my eyes beheld the splendor of their graphs! I actually caught my breath.

Thursday: Morning started with Turkey Bowl. Seth stayed home with the kids while Matt and I went and played a tough game of football. I was the only woman but I think I held my own o.k. We won all our games. Matt had some phenomenal plays and I didn't mess up to bad. No interceptions but I did manage to catch all the balls that were thrown at me and even quarterbacked with a football bigger then my head. Matt and I (and 3 out of 4 of our 'Elders'- I don't know what's so elderly about them!) we in what we considered excruciating pain by the time dinner rolled around. Seth and Matt slaved away in the kitchen all day and stayed right on track until the guests started to arrive. We were joined by 9 of our dear friends. We had our 4 missionaries. There was Elder Potter, Elder Juarez, Elder Mickelsen, and Elder Hess. The Mamet's also joined us for their first Thanksgiving. We had a wonderful time and ate until we were in pain. After a while Seth pulled out his light sabers and the Elders had a great time reenacting scenes from Star Wars. They have all the photos and haven't shared them yet but I'll confiscate them sooner or later and post them when I do. At the bottom of this blog I'll write all the details of our menus.
Friday: If I thought I was in pain on Thursday I was so very mistaken. I nearly cried when I got out of bed. It was the best incentive for daily work out I've ever had. Have I actually tried to work out daily? No. Something to work on though. But, back to our Friday. We began the day by sleeping in and lingering around doing next to nothing. Just like Black Friday should be. No stores, crowds, or trampling for cheap things that will end up in the trash in 5 years for us! Matt and Seth seem to consider cooking relaxing because even after being cooking feens on Thursday they got right to work Friday creating an interesting Lobster Ravioli and Eggs Benedict dish. Friday evening our fabulous Oliva and wonderful Yvonne watched the kids while Matt, Seth, and I went on a date. Sadly enough, I was the 3rd wheel. We went to see Quantum of Solace which I entirely enjoyed and dinner which was very tasty. I spent the rest of the night making crepes for our correlation meeting the next morning.
Lobster Ravioli and Eggs Benedict
Making the ravioli
Saturday: Seth and I were busy preparing the fillings for our crepes while Matt retrieved the missionaries. We had a great meeting and amazing food. Some of the deliciousness we put into our crepes was chocolate and vanilla pudding, strawberries and bananas, eggs and bacon, and one more, my favorite which was inspiration on Seth's part. Sweetened smooth ricotta with raspberry preserves filled the crepe while nutella and whipped cream and a homemade raspberry reduction topped it. It was heavenly. The Elders then helped us rake some remaining leaves. The rest of the day was uneventful.
Elder Potter, always working hard!
Pretty Elder Mickelsen and matchy, match, match Lucy.
Elder Juarez offering his moral support.
It's autumn time, it's autumn time, the leaves are falling in massive piles all over our freakin' yard!!!
The gimp (Elder Mickelsen) putting his good knee into it!
Elder Potter... still working hard. (he was the elder that wasn't sore the next day)
Trying to keep up with the Elders.
Since then: Work on our little business venture has been going very, very well. Our friend, Nicole Head has decided to be baptized. I've been doing as much as possible to help Jen and Mo pull their wedding together and will be working on their wedding cake next Friday (Weez... wanna play with some fondant?) There is one other thing I've been working on but you'll have to read an upcoming blog to learn more.
Here's the promised Thanksgiving menu:
- Appetizers
- Lobster Ravioli dressed with brown butter and sage
- Butternut Ravioli dressed with brown butter and sage
- Fried Ricotta and Mozzarella Ravioli served with marinara
- Homemade Roasted Sugar and Spice Pecans
- Vegetable Platter
- Pastry Blanketed Brie with Raspberry Preserves served with various crackers
- Shrimp served with cocktail sauce
- Deviled Eggs
- Main Dishes
- Whole Smoked Turkey
- Smashed Potatoes
- Haricot Verts sauteed with shallots and bacon
- German Red Cabbage
- Mushroom and Sausage Stuffing
- Simple Stuffing
- Homemade Cranberry Sauce
- Gravy
- 5 Israeli Salads
- Desserts
- Chocolate Mousse Pie
- Chocolate Pecan Pie
- Pumpkin Pie
- Apple Pie
- Lemon Meringue Pie
- Chocolate Pudding Pie
- Halvah (חלבה) with Apple Slices
- Beverages
- Martinelli's Sparkling Cider
- Water served with side of lemon
- Cold Apple Cider
- Pepsi
- Sunkist
- Hot Chocolate
- Herbal Tea
1 comment:
What a great thanksgiving weekend. You were busy! and WOW what a FEAST!
Sounds so good.
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