Noah's part:
I am a child of God...
I shouted for joy when I heard of God's plan
To create an earth for the family of man.
I shouted for joy when He told us that we
Would each have a body and our own family.
I shouted for joy when I learned we'd be free
To choose to do right and to use agency.
I shouted for joy but I knew that each sin
Would keep me from coming again unto Him.
To live in His presence in mansions above.
But I shouted for joy when I learned of God's love,
A love that would offer His very own Son
To atone for my sins and mistakes, every one.
I shouted for joy when I heard of God's plan
And felt the pure love of the Savior of man.
Abby's part: I am a child of God... The prophet receives revelations and commandments for members of the church.
We took out the clothes Grandma Judy bought for Christmas and I made each of them take an oath to protect and defend their beautiful clothes at any cost. They swore they would and they looked so fantastic... well, I'll let you judge for yourself!