UPDATE: I think we've all lost our minds. I'm hearing a chorus of "Do-Re-Mi"... lead by my husband.
Speaking of Matt... his shoulder surgery has been scheduled for May 15. They're not sure what they're going in after so we don't know how invasive the procedure is going to be but it should be an outpatient surgery. Unless he has a hard time waking up... I'm not dragging a sleeping man out the car.
Here's a recap of the kids spring break.
Monday: Matt worked and we hung out at home. FUN TIMES!
Tuesday: Matt was home and we broke record highs. And we refused to put the air conditioners in. (It was April for crying out loud!) We were prepared with New England coping skills though. We kept the windows open during the night, waited for the heat of the day then shut all the windows, waited for the house to warm then went on an adventure to Matt's doctors office and the mall. By the time we walked out (hobbled in my case) there was a beautiful and cool breeze.
Wednesday: Sheri, an angel in disguise, took Abby and Noah to an art museum.
Thursday: Sheri brought her kids over and they played while she helped me with my laundry and a couple things around the house... she comes every Thursday with a couple other women from the ward (the don't call it the RELIEF Society for nothing!). She also took the kids to enjoy the park down the street.
Friday: Noah got his fill of the Playstation while the girls got mommy makeovers. They looked sparkly and fabulous. Alicia also stopped by for the weekly changing of the bandages. This one was a doozy.
Saturday: I felt much better then we expected I would at the end of spring break and the weather was amazing so we packed up a picnic (o.k., Matt packed it up), picked up some passes for a Seacoast Science Center by the ocean and went to the beach for a day. It was a lot of fun and the fresh air and sunshine were so refreshing. We came home last night and all slept very soundly. It was the perfect end to their spring break.
Here's some pictures of the previously mentioned beach trip.

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